Career For The Massage Therapist

Massage therapy training is one of the most rapidly growing allied health professions. In 2002 physical therapists held almost 137,000 jobs while over 203 accredited packages are available at physical therapy schools. Oriental medicine, chiropractic, acupuncture, holistic/alternative health, nutrition and personal training are a few other spa and wellness careers that you can choose from.

Every year thousands of people pursue a career in massage therapy. Usually these individuals are the ones who are interested in the different types of therapies which encourage a higher quality of life and well-being. Over a 100 different massage therapy techniques are available today. Beginning your education as a massage therapist is a great way to set the ground for your future career in case you are uncertain about the type of bodywork that you want to pursue. It is also possible to expand and add new therapies to your massage therapy training in the future.

Private colleges usually have fast paced programs and are much expensive whereas the community college programs are slower paced and are less expensive. Some research and investigation in your area can help you to decide the right educational program to suit your individual needs. Many schools may also provide supervised clinics available to the general public giving the students the opportunity to work on different conditions and clients.

Different massage schools will have different entrance requirements. Usually most of them will require a high school diploma even though a post-secondary education can be useful. Thus a career in massage therapy is both very broad and versatile.

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